This morning I walked around my neighborhood listening to praise music for about a mile and a half. This is certainly nothing to brag about, yet six weeks ago I could not stand without help. Walking a few feet with aid completely exhausted me. After some time in the hospital and gallons (it seems like it!) of antibiotics, I am on the mend. While in the hospital, some friends and family jokingly called me Lazarus as I began to heal. I’m sure I looked like a man who was dead for several days trying to walk again. But the comparison drew a deeper meaning for me.
Lazarus was raised from the dead by the call of Jesus to the Father (John 11:31.) The Lord was moved with compassion by the weeping of the people (vs 35), yet we know that the intention of Jesus was to show the glory of God by resurrecting Lazarus even before he made the journey (John 11:11). The sovereign plan of the Father was carried out at the same time Jesus was emotionally moved by the cries of the people.
What does Lazarus have to do with me? Well, I was overwhelmed this morning with the realization of how many Saints were praying for my healing. While the illness and recovery have been a sovereign move of the Lord, I am convinced that the prayers of the Saints had influence on the Lord’s work in my life. I can’t explain how all that works together, but I believe the words of E.M. Bounds when he wrote,
” If we believe God’s Word, we are bound to believe that prayer affects God and affects Him mightily; that prayer avails, and that prayer avails mightily “
(Wonders of God Through Prayer, Pg 207)
Thank God for His compassion that even in the midst of His sovereign plan, He hears the prayers of his people (James 5:16). Thanks also for caring Saints who cry out on behalf of others.
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