“He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me... “ (NKJ) John 14:21a
Have the commandments of God been given to us so that our love for God can be measured by our performance? If I honestly evaluate my ability to keep the commandments of God I am immediately overwhelmed by my inability to keep God’s Word in thought or deed with any regularity. Even as I do the right thing, my heart strains to be filled with God’s love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (Gal 5:23). The words of Jesus always challenge us to consider the heart of the matter, not just the deed. Yet, this verse in John brings a direct correlation between my obedience to His Word and my love for Him. Why does God relate my obedience to love? I think because my obedience to God in thought and behaviors indicates what I am truly thirsty for. If I am not seeking after God in prayer, counsel and fellowship, then I am seeking after worldly things. I am seeking my own way.
If we think that God’s overall goal is just obedience then we miss the point of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Obedience is the means to an end. The ultimate goal of obedience is to cleanse ourselves of worldly influences so that we may commune with God more fully.
“And He who loves me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him” John 14:21 b
His desire is to manifest Himself to us. Other translations say He wants to “dine” with us. My experience (especially the failures) has taught me that God’s commandments are rooted in love. He wants and knows what is best for me. I can never fully recognize the depth of God’s goodness until I walk in obedience to His plan. If I can put my rebellious nature to death (Rom 6:11, Ephes 4:17-24), God is faithful to create a new nature in me. His goal is to be one with me and I with Him. This is all for my benefit and His glory. Keeping His commandments guards this vessel from being filled with the distractions and lies of this world. They allow God to purify my heart and body to become the new man He promises to create. So, obedience is not the goal. Communion with my Lord is the goal. Obeying His commands frees me to engage. I can’t fully love Him unless I am free.
Power always follows obedience!